Category Archives: Reading

Poets Take Over: The PCA/ACA Conference

55 poetry presenters on 16 panels over 3 days: 2014 Schedule

I was so busy organizing and attending the Poetry Studies & Creative Poetry sessions at the PCA/ACA Conference in Chicago mid-April that I never posted about it on here. It was fantastic! I fully intended to see more of the city and to take naps while I was on this conference trip, but I couldn’t tear myself away from the poetry panels. I was so impressed with the presentations: readings and performances of original poems, paper presentations, discussions about teaching and community involvement, and more. One of the extra special highlights was getting away from the conference hotel for an off-site poetry event: we saw Kate Gale and Nicelle Davis read at the Seminary Co-Op Bookstore, followed by a delicious dinner at The Nile Restaurant. I loved getting to know some new poet-friends and getting to visit with some already dear ones.

I look forward to helping poets further infiltrate the Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association Conference in New Orleans next year…

Find me at AWP!

If you’ll be at the AWP conference in Seattle this week, you can find me here:

Thursday, 11:30-12:30 – Book signing with Nicelle Davis at Red Hen Press (tables 1802-1806). We will very likely be dressed as Jesus and Judas to get people to stop and talk to us about our books: Becoming Judas (Nicelle Davis) and The Gospel of the Bleeding Woman (Katie Manning).


Thursday, 3-5 p.m. – Reading on the Glass Slipper (a glass-bottom boat) at South Lake Union with Lauren K. Alleyne, Nicelle Davis, Michelle Lin, and Alexis Vergalia. We’ll be the mid-run poetry entertainment for participants in the Run of the Ancient Mariner, but you could just come to sit and watch us if you want.

AWP-Run of the Ancient MarinerFriday, 9-10 a.m. – Book signing at Yellow Flag Press (table J21) to promote I Awake in My Womb.

Cover - I Awake in My Womb

Friday, 10:30 – 11:45 a.m. – Book signing at Fairy Tale Review (table K26) to promote The Gospel of the Bleeding Woman and I Awake in My Womb.

Cover - The Gospel of the Bleeding Woman

Friday, 3:00-4:15 p.m. – Panel – When Genres Collide: Teaching Prose Poetry and Flash Fiction with Forrest Roth, Tyrone Jaeger, and John Talbird. Room LL4, Western New England MFA Annex, Lower Level.

I’ll also be wandering the book fair, attending other panels and off-site events, and generally enjoying time with writer-friends in Seattle. I can’t wait!

P.S. You should also find my friend Nicelle Davis, whose post at The Bee’s Knees Blog inspired this one.

Thoughts on Second Sunday Reading Series

I had a wonderful time reading tonight at The Studio Theatre by Universal Studios. My fellow readers were fantastic: Karen Kevorkian, who teaches at UCLA,  and Hugh Martin, who is an Iraq vet and a Stegner Fellow. It’s not often that I come home from a poetry reading with a book by each of the other readers, but I sure did this time!

As for my work, I read a few poems from each chapbook. They seemed to go over well; the audience laughed heartily in all the right places and occasionally talked back between poems. 🙂 I love interactive audiences. They bought a few of my books too.

Thanks, Alex M. Frankel for running this series and inviting me to participate. Thanks also to Tarumi for the wonderful affirmation and for buying a copy of each of my books.

Reading: Second Sunday Poetry Series

Alex Frankel invited me to read in the Second Sunday Poetry Series over a year ago, and we finally found a good time for me to do it: tomorrow night. I plan to read a few things from each of my three chapbooks. There will be a few other poets reading and an open mic time afterwards, so feel free to come for any or all of the evening.

Second Sunday Poetry Series
November 10, 2013 at 5pm

The Studio Theatre at St. Denis Building
3433 Cahuenga Blvd West
Los Angeles, CA 90068
(Near Universal Studios)

Thoughts on Poetry Day at PLNU

I had such a wonderful time as the guest poet for PLNU’s annual Poetry Day! Here’s a photo taken by Carol Blessing during the Q&A at the evening reading.

Poetry Day - Reading Q&A
Thanks Carol Blessing, Edie Chapman, and Linda Beail for inviting me and planning all of the events during the day (and some on the next day too!) I was so impressed with the turn out for the afternoon literary tea and the evening reading, and I loved meeting so many engaged and insightful students.

Poetry Day at PLNU

I am the featured poet this fall for Point Loma Nazarene University’s Poetry Day. In addition to some student events throughout the day on Thursday, Sept. 26, I’ll be giving a public poetry reading and interview that evening at 7 p.m. in Crill Hall on PLNU’s campus.

I’m so thrilled and honored to be invited by my alma mater for this annual event, which has featured poets far cooler than me in previous years (Annie Finch and Carolyne Wright were a couple of my favorites).

Reading at WRCCL

I’ll be reading a few poems from The Gospel of the Bleeding Woman tonight at the Western Regional Conference on Christianity and Literature (Azusa Pacific University, Duke Lobby, 8:00-9:30 p.m.).


Reading at PCA/ACA

I’ll be reading my baby dream poems at the PCA/ACA conference in D.C. this coming Saturday morning. I got the 8:00 time slot, but that does seem like a good time to read dream poems…

Festival Highlights

I told my husband before I went to the festival this evening that I wasn’t expecting many people to stick around for my poetry reading. I figured I’d have a colleague or two there to support me, but I assumed that everyone who came to see Aimee Bender read would take off after she finished. I was very wrong.

Not only were there 20-30 people present (as far as I know… I was terrible at those contests in elementary school in which we had to guess how many jelly beans were in a jar), but Aimee Bender actually stayed for my reading! I was so thrilled. I read poems that respond to familiar stories: fairy tales, novels, biblical narratives. Afterwards, I got to chat with Aimee a little, and several people shook my hand and told me that they enjoyed my reading. A few even asked where they could find my work or buy a book (and I got to direct them to this shiny new website—hello, festival friends!). A man named Jim made my night by telling me that I have a wonderful sense of humor and that it was so easy to listen to me read my work. I stuck around and chatted for quite a while with a couple of guys named Sharif and Tyson, and we covered everything from prose poetry vs. flash fiction to sustainability to zombies. All in all, it was a wonderful reading experience.

My other festival highlights include:
– hearing Aimee Bender read an incredible short story and then having her be super classy and stay for my reading. (Seriously, if you haven’t read her novels or short stories, you need to do so immediately. It doesn’t matter who you are or what books you usually like. I promise that you will love her work.)
– hearing my colleague Ralph Carlson read from his book Waiting to Say Amen. I already enjoyed his poems, but they came alive wonderfully when he read them. I’m so excited that he’ll be visiting my poetry class in a couple of weeks to talk with my students about this book.
– talking with some people in the Zzyzyx WriterZ group, hearing some of these writers read from their new anthology, and learning about Poetrypalooza.
– trying to see my colleague Tom Allbaugh read with some students on Friday afternoon, only to have my 16-month-old son shout “Outside!” and “Bye-bye!” repeatedly whenever we entered the room. We ran around and enjoyed the sunny day instead, and my husband got to enjoy this reading for all of us.
– visiting the craft tables and buying a birthday gift for my dear friend Emily Capettini.

Thanks to John Brantingham and company for putting together The San Gabriel Valley Literary Festival. I’m so glad I got to be part of this first festival, and I look forward to many more.