I’m honored to have these two short prose pieces about/to my Granny in the new issue of MORIA.
Category Archives: Publication
Three Poems in Bowery Gothic
What a joy to have three of my board-game-inspired poems in the inaugural issue of Bowery Gothic, especially since they’re sandwiched between poems by Cathy McArthur and Ellen Huang!
“The Book of Fists” in The Other Journal
My poem “The Book of Fists” from my Bible word-banking project was published by The Other Journal!
“Sighting Grief” in Ruminate
The cento I created for Marthe Reed’s tribute reading earlier this year has just been published in the new issue of Ruminate. This poem weaves Marthe’s lines with lines from some of her ULL students, and it means a lot to me to have it published in a journal I admire alongside some incredible writing and art.
Fight Evil, Wilde Boy
I’ve had a chaotic semester (which might just be normal, unfortunately), so I’m behind on posting poetry news. Here are a couple of publications that I’m excited to share:
My poem “Banana Peel,” which is a humorous take on a traumatic experience, was published in October in the anthology Fight Evil with Poetry, vol. 1, alongside some powerful writing. I look forward to future volumes from editors Micah Bournes and Chris Cambell.
I’m also thrilled that Wilde Boy, a brand new literary magazine, included my poem “The God’s Truth” and interviewed me about my connection with Victorian literature for Issue 1. It’s a special honor to part of this journal’s very first issue, and I’m excited to see editor C. Bougie’s next issue on The Beat Generation.
My book Tasty Other turned 2 in November, and I’m glad to have this weird and wonderful book in the world. I’m still grateful to Main Street Rag for the book award and thankful for all who have read it, reviewed it, taught it, sent messages of affirmation, hosted my readings, given copies as gifts, and otherwise supported my work. Thank you!
Two Poems in Petrichor
Two of my Bible project poems, “The Book of Denial” and “The Book of Mist,” are published in the new issue of petrichor.
I’m glad to have my poems in the company of work by Adam Stutz, Darren C. Demaree, and other brilliant writers too. Thanks to editor Seth Copeland for including my poems!
5 Poems in Amethyst Review
In the chaos of traveling for conferences and ending the semester, I haven’t yet shared that 5 of my Bible project poems were published in Amethyst Review!
They split the poems into two batches (Old Testament and New Testament) and published them online on consecutive Fridays in April.
“The Book of Baa” and “The Book of Haze”
“The Book of What,” The Book of Sin,” and “The Book of Lips”
Many thanks to editor Sarah Law for choosing and publishing my poems!
The Windhover & Mom Egg Review
The last couple of months have been full. The usual end-of-semester work would be enough, but I’ve also traveled to two conferences and mourned the deaths of two wonderful people, so it’s been hard to keep up with everything.
Celebrating success is important though, so here I am, taking a break from grading to write this post. I sent some poems out into the world, and someone read them and thought they were worth publishing. I always love the way poems connect me to other people.
My poem “The Book of Endings” from my biblical word banking project was published in The Windhover, 22.1.
My poem “Which Way Do You Want to Go?” from my collection about/to my late Granny (and also inspired by the best movie, The Labyrinth) was published in Mom Egg Review, vol. 16.
My poems are in incredible company in both of these journals. I highly recommend buying these issues, or better yet, subscribing! I’m so grateful for the work these editors are doing.
PCA, New Alchemy, & Unlost Journal
The end of the semester would’ve been busy enough, but we’ve also had my spouse’s surprise cancer, surgery, and chemo treatments. Although April and May haven’t been the most productive writing and publishing months for me, I do have some good poetry-related updates.
The PCA/ACA conference was wonderful as always. I loved seeing all of the poetry presentations and sharing poems from Tasty Other. I was also honored to receive the Felicia Campbell Area Chair Award!
I got to read on April 19 at the New Alchemy Poetry Series, which is newly relocated at Lestat’s West. What a cool venue, and what a great night of sharing my poems and hearing others read during the open mic.
In May, my poem “The Book of Icons” from my Bible word banking project was published in Unlost Journal.
This week, Tasty Other turned 6 months old! I joked about doing a mock-baby photo shoot with a chalkboard of fun facts about the book, but I’m not that silly (or perhaps I just don’t have the time right now… I am that silly).
Next up: I’ll be participating in a local author book signing this coming Friday, June 2, from 6-8 p.m. at Liberty Station, Barracks 16 (co-sponsored by SD Writers, Ink and Comickaze).
Update: Readings, PHV, WRR, and Publications
The end of the semester and the holidays kept me away, but I did have a wonderful book launch at PLNU on Nov. 30 and an awesome San Diego book release at the Women’s Museum of California on Dec. 3. What a privilege to share my weird Tasty Other poems and to read alongside some of my favorite people!
Here is my Poetry Has Value post about November. What a bizarre month that was. I’m still working on the December post and 2016 year-end reflection, but those will be ready soon.
My journal, Whale Road Review, published its first anniversary issue on December 1. I love the issue, and I love the work of choosing and sharing other people’s incredible writing.
I had 3 poems published in a mixed-genre mystery anthology called Candlesticks and Daggers. I also had a review of Luci Shaw’s Sea Glass: New & Selected Poems in the Advent/Christmas 2016 issue of The Cresset.
I’ve been sending out poetry submissions a lot over winter break and reading a lot of submissions for Whale Road Review. Now that classes are beginning tomorrow, I’ll be getting back into a regular writing routine, especially since PLNU awarded me an internal grant of a 4-unit release to work on a poetry project. (Thanks!) Here we go…