Category Archives: Publication

“How to Network as a Poet” in Far Villages

What an honor to have my essay “How to Network as a Poet” included in Far Villages: Welcome Essays for New and Beginner Poets!

Edited by Abayomi Animashaun, this anthology includes essays by many poets I already admired and several poets that I’m happy to meet in these pages. Black Lawrence Press is offering 25% off on anthologies through July 31, so now is a good time to get a copy. I’m thankful for this joyful book in the midst of stressful days.

“Eldritch Horror” in The 2020 Rhysling Anthology

What a fantastic surprise to have my poem “Eldritch Horror” included in The 2020 Rhysling Anthology! Thanks to Bowery Gothic for first publishing this poem and to the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association for selecting it!

I never expected to appear in this collection of the best science-fiction, fantasy, and horror poetry published the previous year, but I’m so thrilled to be there, and it’s even sweeter to have my work appear alongside a poem by Ellen Huang, my friend and former student.

Four Poems in Women & Language

I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with the state of the world, so I’m going to take a little time this week to record some good poetry news from the past few months.

This spring, I had four poems published in Women & Language, Vol. 43, Iss. 1: “Mobbing,” “Are You Sleeping?,” “Dear God,” and “Let’s Not Look Back.” Thanks to editor Leland G. Spencer for including my work.

If you want to read these poems and aren’t able to purchase a print copy or access the issue through one of the library databases listed on their website, please let me know.

“Dear Diary” in Golden Walkman

I wrote a poem about biological fathers and The Princess Diaries, and Amorak Huey chose it for the Parents & Children issue of Golden Walkman Magazine. This magazine is entirely audio, and they include a couple minutes of commentary from the writer after each piece, and I adore it. You can listen to the issue here. My piece begins around 10:48, but I recommend listening all the way through. I was enraptured by the other poems! (That last one gave me chills.)

“Sighting Grief” & Ruminate Happenings

Ruminate featured my cento for Marthe Reed, “Sighting Grief,” on their website today. I started creating it last year during the Ruminate Happenings, and I’ll be participating in that event again this May, which means I’ll be writing poems for people live online. If you’d like to support this magazine and have me write a poem just for you, please visit Ruminate’s website and get a ticket!

“Corona” in The San Diego Union-Tribune

I have a poem called “Corona” in today’s Sunday edition of The San Diego Union-Tribune. I’m honored to be included in my local paper, and I gasped when I saw the front page. 😍

Here’s a zoomed in version that you can read. The poem’s formatting is a bit off thanks to the skinny column: each line begins with the word “and,” and there are no spaces between lines in this poem.
Thanks to Michael Rocha for selecting my poem. I’m glad to be in this edition alongside my colleague Robbie Maakestad as well.

I’m a digital subscriber to The SDU-T, and I’ve found this paper to be a grounding source of news during this chaotic time. You can subscribe here

“Pillow Talk with Pneumonia” in FEED

I wrote a poem called “Pillow Talk with Pneumonia” over the last weekend of March. I submitted it to a brand new literary magazine last week, and today it was the first poem in the first issue of FEED!

Click the image to read the full poem.

I’m so thrilled to be part of this new magazine’s launch, and I look forward to getting their weekly issues. (I’m also excited to be mostly recovered from pneumonia now!)