I’m so glad to have this special poem, “On Our Twenty-Year Dating Anniversary,” in the new issue of The Lumiere Review!
Category Archives: Publication
New book: Hereverent!
It’s publication day! Hereverent is officially released into the world!
“Stone Duplex, 2022” in Rise Up Review
I’m honored to have my poem “Stone Duplex, 2022” published in the new issue of Rise Up Review alongside some of my favorite fellow poets.
Hereverent Pre-Order
The pre-order link just went live today for my new book, Hereverent! You can reserve a copy now from Agape Editions ahead of the April release. Hooray!
Let Me Say This: A Dolly Parton Poetry Anthology
I got my contributor copy of Let Me Say This: A Dolly Parton Poetry Anthology, and this anthology is even more magical than I could’ve dreamed! Wow. Julie Bloemeke and Dustin Brookshire have done such fantastic editorial work, and I’m so honored to have a poem included.
You can (and should!) get a copy of this anthology from Madville Publishing.
Hereverent Cover Reveal!
Behold the cover of my forthcoming book!
I’m so thrilled that I got to use Fragments from Reims Cathedral as the cover image. I gasped when I saw it at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, and I immediately felt a connection between this piece and my poems.
I’m so grateful that I got to have input on other elements of the cover design too. Thank you to Sarah Reck and Fox Henry Frazier! Working with Agape Editions is a delight.
“Matter and Antimatter” in HAD
To be honest, I was just thrilled to catch HAD’s submission period for once. I usually miss them since they open and close so quickly. I came back to my office after a Friday morning class, opened my laptop, and saw the call. The theme: Endings. Well, that’s my specialty these days (years) I suppose. I raced to send some poems before they reached the cap. I was so surprised to get a message from Mitch Nobis later that day saying that he loved “Matter and Antimatter.” It’s a heavy one, so I’m extra grateful for the love. I wrote it in response to a news article I read last year.
Verse Daily & Moon Prize & Pushcart (Oh my!)
I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed by the good poetry news I’ve received lately, and I’m behind on sharing it here…
At the end of September, my poem “One Way to Use a Deck of Cards” from How to Play was featured on Verse Daily!
Last month, two of my poems were published in Writing in a Woman’s Voice: “After an Older Man from Church Drunk-Texts to Tell Me I Looked Good Topless in His Dream Last Night” and “What’s Something You Love That Can’t Love You Back?”
Also in October, two of my poems were published in Pirene’s Fountain: “This Poem Is about Dinosaurs” and “Choosing a Moon.” This whole issue is fantastic, and you can purchase a copy at this link.
This month, I’ve gotten some happy award news! “After an Older Man from Church…” received the Moon Prize from Writing in a Woman’s Voice on November 9, and “This Poem Is about Dinosaurs” was just nominated for a Pushcart Prize this week! I’m so grateful to these editors who’ve published and affirmed my work and to the folks who encourage me and read my poems.
Simultánea, Play Forever: A Celebratory Reading!
On Oct. 1, Margarita Pintado, Emma McCoy, and I had a wonderful time celebrating our new poetry collections with a virtual reading for a lovely audience that included folks from San Diego to Nairobi!
If you’d like to catch the recording of our reading, you can find it now on YouTube.
If you’d like to get copies of our collections, here are the links to purchase them:
Emma McCoy’s “In Case I Live Forever”
Margarita Pintado’s “Simultánea, La Marea”
Katie Manning’s “How to Play”
Thanks for supporting poets and poetry!
“The Minor Mutation” in Dreams & Nightmares
I just realized that I missed sharing this fantastic anthology when it was published! (May was a wild month for me… and so was June… and July actually…)
I love that my poem “Baby Dream #15: The Minor Mutation” was reprinted in Dreams & Nightmares: An Anthology. Thanks to editor Aura Martin and her team of artists for bringing this incredible book into being! I’m so thrilled to have my work in the company of Rick Hollon, Amorak Huey, Nicole Tallman, Maria Picone, Shiksha Dheda, Joyce Liu, Aleah Dye, Shane Schick, Tatiana Clark, Jared Beloff, Nova Wang, Heath Joseph Wooten, and more!