I’ve had a chaotic semester (which might just be normal, unfortunately), so I’m behind on posting poetry news. Here are a couple of publications that I’m excited to share:

My poem “Banana Peel,” which is a humorous take on a traumatic experience, was published in October in the anthology Fight Evil with Poetry, vol. 1, alongside some powerful writing. I look forward to future volumes from editors Micah Bournes and Chris Cambell.

I’m also thrilled that Wilde Boy, a brand new literary magazine, included my poem “The God’s Truth” and interviewed me about my connection with Victorian literature for Issue 1. It’s a special honor to part of this journal’s very first issue, and I’m excited to see editor C. Bougie’s next issue on The Beat Generation.

My book Tasty Other turned 2 in November, and I’m glad to have this weird and wonderful book in the world. I’m still grateful to Main Street Rag for the book award and thankful for all who have read it, reviewed it, taught it, sent messages of affirmation, hosted my readings, given copies as gifts, and otherwise supported my work. Thank you!