The past month has been intensely difficult for a variety of reasons, including the sudden loss of my youngest aunt. It’s hard to feel like updating a website is important in the face of grief and political upheaval, but sometimes poets and poetry keep me going through the dark, so reminding myself of good poetry-related things isn’t a waste of time.
One of the best poetry things this winter has been the release and virtual reading events for the anthology Invisible Strings: 113 Poets Respond to the Songs of Taylor Swift. Editor Kristie Frederick Daugherty has made the whole process a joy, and I’m so honored to have my poem “1993” included alongside some of my poetry rockstars and friends.
In December, I was the featured poet for A Dozen Nothing. In addition to publishing a few of my poems, Pete and Jeff interviewed me and shared my answers on social media throughout the entire month. It was so lovely to have my work celebrated like that!
In the last few weeks, I’ve been a finalist for the San Diego Poet Laureate position and a finalist for the McMath Book Award. Although I’ve joked that I’m getting an “always a bridesmaid” complex, I do feel deeply honored by both of these finalist nods.
And now, back to wrapping up decisions and responses from the December reading period of Whale Road Review!