January was bizarre for me in many ways, but I’ll stick to poetry news in this post. Several pieces that were accepted throughout 2017 were published all at once this month. The first 3 journals even went live on the same day!
I ended the month with 21 poems appearing in 6 journals and 1 anthology. If I have nothing else published in 2018, I should still feel like this was a good publication year.
“The Book of Am” in Ovenbird Poetry
“I Dream That I Secrete Honey” and “Scrabble with E.B. White” in Drunk Monkeys
5 pieces from 28,065 Nights in Qu:* “The First Day of Our Second Year Without You,” “How to Use Vanilla,” “I Was Afraid It Would Be Empty,” “After Your Strokes…,” and “Your Death Explained in Birds”
5 poems in Five:2:One: “The Book of On,” “The Book of Thirst,” “The Book of Seconds,” “The Book of Were,” and “The Book of Torn Fish”
“When I Hear That You Are Dead” and “Enkidu Writes a Letter to Eve” in Saint Katherine Review**

Saint Katherine Review
“The Book of Genes” in TAB: The Journal of Poetry & Poetics***

TAB Editor Anna Leahy says, “If you’d like a copy mailed to you, please send an old-fashioned check for $10 made out to Chapman University to TAB, Dept. of English, Chapman University, One University Drive, Orange, CA 92866.” There will also be free copies of this incredible postcard issue of TAB available at AWP!
“Sleeping Beauty’s Mother,” “Wendy Lady,” “The Story of Grandmother,” “Baba Yaga’s Answer,” and “Beauty to the Beast” in Fairy Tales and Folklore Re-imagined, an anthology from Between the Lines Publishing****

Fairy Tales & Folklore Re-imagined
Coming Soon
I’ve just updated my Events page to include newly scheduled readings and presentations in Indianapolis, South Bend, Phoenix, Los Angeles, and everywhere (online) between now and July.
*These prose poems are especially important to me. They’re from the manuscript about/to my Granny.
**These poems are also extra special. “When I Hear That You Are Dead” is for my late poet friend, Brett Foster.
***I’m so honored to be in this issue of TAB with Hadara Bar-Nadav (my MA professor who taught me how to submit for publication), and with Denise Duhamel and E. Ethelbert Miller, poets I admire. TAB has a new design every issue, and I love this postcard format.
****I’m so thrilled that Ellen Huang, my TA and friend, also has 7 short stories in this anthology, You should definitely get a copy of this one and read it at bedtime.